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Gerard Brinkman, COO and Founder, OnMarc - a Celebrus CDP partner

Increase conversion 50%+ by understanding visitor sentiment online

OnMarc has been working with Celebrus in the field of understanding and using online visitor data. Creating Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) and using them to improve business results and customer loyalty have been the leading drivers for us over the last decades.

Having been a fan of Celebrus' way of collecting data on online visitor behavior for close to 20 years and using the generated data for many business purposes, it is only recently that we have been able to benefit from some of the unique and advanced features that Celebrus offers. These capabilities have always been there but have hardly been exploited. Until now!

Understanding visitor sentiment

Understanding the emotion of a visitor and being able to react on it in real time, as if you were in a physical store, is the dream of every online marketeer and definitely of every CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) expert. It allows you to communicate better and gives you a chance to intervene, not only on 'assumed' interest based on simple events, but also on visitor sentiment and intent using machine learning and AI technology. In the recent years, Celebrus' ability to give insights in cross-device click-paths and form interactions helped our customers in greatly improving their business goals. Conversions increased; CPAs dropped. But our roadmap, like Celebrus, is continuously expanding. The inputs that create new opportunities are mouse activity or individual keystrokes.

True listening

Being able to 'listen' to an online visitor goes beyond just recording what you want to hear. Like in normal life you want to be able to 'read between the lines'. There is a lot of information hidden in the interaction that we can capture. And that gives us better insight in what a user thinks or feels. A customer tells you what he wants, you just have to listen!

First Results

Our first product that utilizes these features is MarcSense Retain. 3 years ago, we built models, based on scientifically proven concepts, that predicted visitor churn with a high degree of certainty. The results of the validation were very promising. Together with one of our clients we have been able to take this to the next level by combining Celebrus' real-time capabilities and our real-time modeling solution. As a result, we are now able to predict exit-scores within hundreds of milliseconds, but more importantly way before the web visitor actually realizes that he/she wants to leave. By transferring a high score on exit into a subtle personalized interaction, either a content change or a request for a chat, you can be more relevant to the visitor. An additional benefit is that you don't have to bother visitors who are interested in a product or service, but don't have any plan to leave. They can independently move to the next stage of the sales funnel and don't need any attention at this stage. You stay relevant, never annoying!

Results so far have given an uplift in conversion of over 50%. And this was achieved by just listening more intently to the visitor and understanding their sentiment. A truly remarkable result.

Why Celebrus?

Celebrus' single insert listens to everything that happens on digital channels in a way that no web analytics solution can. In contrast to solutions that use tagging, where every active component on a page and every field interaction needs to be instrumented, Celebrus delivers an 'out-of-the-box' means of capturing ALL customer behavior, down to the level of individual keystrokes, mouse movements or touchscreen gestures. With Celebrus CDP, following a remarkably simple and rapid deployment process which never fails to astonish our clients, suddenly all this valuable data is available, and they are able to use the data in real-time to transform customer experiences by reacting to and even predicting their sentiment and intentions.

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