How a top 10 global bank is improving the customer experience and growing revenue

of customers digitally active
logins in one year
of all sales via digital channels
About the customer
This top 10 bank has over 4k offices in more than 30 countries, serving 46M customers globally.
Use Cases
- Increase marketing ROI
- Real-time decisioning
- Increase sales conversions
The bank previously relied on multiple different solutions to collect data from their vast digital estate for reporting, analytics, and other applications. These traditional web analytics solutions had several limitations including:
- Incomplete data
- Inconsistent data collection
- Poor quality of data
- Latency of data
The tools only collected interactions that had been tagged for, resulting in high costs for manual tagging and maintenance. The data collected was also inconsistent across different websites, mobile apps, and lines of business. Finally, the data took 48 hours to land in the bank’s enterprise data lake, preventing them from delivering any real-time use cases.
offices in 30 countries

The bank selected Celebrus as the single source of truth to address all of their challenges, while providing a ‘collect once, use many times’ data capability across the bank’s entire customer facing digital estate.
Celebrus captures real-time data across all public and authenticated websites, AMP pages, and native mobile applications. This enables real-time delivery of data to the bank’s enterprise data lake, serving all downstream applications across all business units within the bank.
The solution provided instant and low-cost deployment with a single line of code - no tagging required. The data collected is instantly contextualized and written into a business-friendly data model in the bank’s existing data, providing instant and low-cost access.
Celebrus CDP Key Differentiators
- Privacy and compliance
- Demonstrable compliance to all the major privacy regulations e.g. CCPA, CPRA, ISO 27001 Security accreditation
- Scalability
- Significant time savings because no tagging is required
- Reduced costs due to fast implementation time
- Minimal impact on costs and maintenance to upscale to higher volumes
- Collect everything once, use many times
- Instantly available data allows rapid response by the bank
- First-party data collection
- Full control of data
- Ability to persist individual customers’ identity across every channel
Celebrus is the electricity of digital data. We can plug into it anywhere in our business.
The bank has identified a number of key results with Celebrus that are transforming the customer experience and growing the bank’s revenue:
Goal: Increase sales conversions
How is this done?
Celebrus enables intelligent retargeting of customers who display an unfulfilled need during a web or mobile app visit. For example, a customer who looks at home loans, interacts with product calculators, or even starts a new loan application, and then abandons the journey, can be identified and contacted with a personalized message.Goal: Increase marketing ROI
How was this done?
Celebrus provides insights that transform and improve the bank’s Marketing Mix Models. The bank not only understands how much traffic is driven by each referral, but also the quality and value of that traffic and the outcomes delivered.Goal: Real-time decisioning
How is this done?
With the comprehensive data Celebrus provides, the bank is now able to understand the customer experience and detect customer needs in real-time.Unexpected Benefits
COVID 19 support - The bank had to quickly offer new government backed loans and other services to customers impacted by COVID 19. The speed of implementation meant that online services were launched with no time to even think about what data to collect, let alone tag for this. Since the Celebrus single line of code had collected everything from day 1, this data was readily available to the bank’s CX analysts. The bank was quickly able to spot issues with the new digital experiences and rectify them before lots of customers were impacted. For the few customers affected before the fix went in, Celebrus provided a record of who they were and the problem they had experienced, so the bank was able to contact them and make things right.
Webchat optimization
Celebrus automatically collects web chat with its single line of code. The bank is able to see the customer experience, identify any issues, and quickly optimize it.
Web reporting and analytics
Although this was not a priority use of Celebrus on day one, the quality of data provided is far higher than from legacy tools. Celebrus is now being used to replace and improve the bank’s existing web reporting and analytics capabilities.
This global bank is increasing conversions with Celebrus!

This global bank is increasing conversions with Celebrus, and you can too!
Celebrus is the radical data solution that uncovers the deepest insight to reveal true customer context and identity - with a single line of code!
Finally solve gaps in data capture, customer context, connectivity with full compliance to elevate your marketing and personalization and explode revenue.
Connect with us today to experience the power of Celebrus for yourself!