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New Celebrus use cases

New Celebrus use cases

In my last blog I introduced our latest major release - Celebrus version 9 and talked you through the various new product features. And this blog is for any of you who have been thinking 'so what?' I will talk you through the new art-of-the-possible,  and briefly explain the new use cases that have been made possible by the release of Celebrus version 9.

Leverage Celebrus version 9 to prevent fraud

Version 9 of Celebrus features a unique connector to real-time modeling environments which enables Celebrus customer profiles to be enriched with highly accurate propensity scores within milliseconds.

So what...?

Celebrus ability to connect interaction to scoring environments enables advanced anomaly detection to take place in milliseconds. Traditionally anomaly detection relies on the customer's static data or data relating to attempted transactions to identify deviations from expected norms. Celebrus version 9 enables organizations to base anomaly scores on in-the-moment customer behavior, which has been captured from customer interactions with digital channels such as websites or mobile apps. Only Celebrus can compliantly capture highly granular digital interactions such as mouse clicks and cursor movements and feed this into scoring environments within milliseconds. Celebrus provides organizations with the flexibility to run bespoke scoring models which have been designed to flag suspicions behavior such as:

  • Abnormal levels of 'tinkering' with details required for an insurance quote to obtain a more favorable price.
  • Unusual amounts of time taken to complete a credit card application, e.g. Minimal time taken to select the product or read terms and conditions, but long periods taken to complete personal details.
  • Suspicious online shopping behavior, such as rapidly filling a shopping cart with multiple items with minimal browsing time.
  • Signs of duress or distress – Celebrus captures all interactions with digital channels, meaning that erratic and anomalous customer behavior such as mouse movements which may indicate coercion can be captured and scored.

The highly detailed data that Celebrus is able to capture, combined with our real-time scoring enrichment capabilities enables enterprises to detect fraud before it happens.

Capture more from your mobile apps

The latest release of Celebrus features an enhanced, lightweight SDK and enhanced mobile data capture capabilities, including gesture and orientation capture.

So what...?

While they would never admit it, the majority of CDPs struggle to capture first party interaction data from mobile apps, mainly due to their tagging data collection methodologies and their use of data layers in website data capture. In contrast, Celebrus have been providing robust, proven data capture from mobile apps since the release of version 8 in 2014, and we have not stopped improving our mobile capabilities since. Version 9 features a comprehensively redesigned, all new SDK which has been made ultra-lightweight in response to many clients who have expressed reluctance to add complexity to their mobile apps. For those whose policies prohibit the use of an SDK, Celebrus offers an alternative in the form of our Data Source API.

With mobile becoming an increasingly important digital channel which is inevitably destined to dominate in the coming years, the prospect of not capturing customer interactions from mobile devices is simply not an option. As other CDPs struggle to get their mobile capabilities off the ground, Celebrus is adding advanced gesture and screen orientation capabilities to our offering, to enable an increasingly rich and detailed picture of customer behavior to be captured, which enhances a wide range of use cases, from analytics to real time 1-to-1 personalization.

Mitigate risk with real time credit screening

New data enrichment capabilities within Celebrus version 9 enable individual credit scores to be added to customer profiles in real-time

So what...?

Organizations such as banks and retailers who aim to sell products that involve financial credit (e.g. credit cards or products which can be financed through a credit arrangement), have always had to differentiate between credit-worthy customers and those who are considered risky. In a world where the most mature organizations are personalizing content in order to meet their customers' high online experience expectations, there is a considerable commercial advantage to be gained from accessing credit scores in real-time.

Celebrus version 9 enables logged in customer data to be connected to real-time scoring environments, in which models can be run to determine their suitability for products, enabling the organization to personalize offers in-the-moment. In practice this means that only the most credit-worthy customers would be shown an offer, eliminating applications or purchase attempts from risky customer and removing the need to credit score after the customer has opted to apply or buy. This not only mitigates risk for the organization, but improves the customer experience for all customers, making the purchasing process smother and faster for credit worthy customers and removing disappointment for those who are deemed to be higher risk.

Enhance marketing decisioning

Celebrus version 9 enables signals from customer behavior to be connected in real-time to scoring environments to determine specific patterns of behavior.

So what...?

The ability to determine the significance of customer interactions with digital channels can optimize the effectiveness of downstream Real Time Interaction Management and decisioning systems. Just as Celebrus version 9 can connect customer data to real-time modeling environments to identify anomalous behavior which signifies risk, this data enrichment capability can also be used to identify opportunities. Behavior occurring across all digital channels can be captured by Celebrus and connected to models operating in scoring environments, which identify behaviors such as sustained, systematic searching for specific products or prolonged dwelling on product pages. Profiles augmented with this scoring data deliver more accurate next best actions when customer profile data is connected to decisioning solutions, resulting in more relevant personalization and higher conversion rates.

To find out more about how your organization can benefit from Celebrus, contact our knowledgeable team who will be happy to discuss our extensive use cases.

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